
Our task in this blog was to watch a short film called “Validation” by Kurt Kuenne and to find the theme and to explain it and relate it to the real world.

In the short film “Validation”, writer and director Kurt Kuenne expresses his thoughts about love, happiness, and freedom through out the film.

In the beginning of the picture we watch a man walk into a validation booth to get his ticket stamped by the man working in the booth.  The validator gives him compliments that no one has told him in his life, this creates a state of kindness that will be shared to everyone. He has given people the freedom to express themselves.  As he was driving along the police pulled him over and told him that his drivers licence was expired.

When we walk into the DMV photo booth he then put his eyes on a young woman who is working the camera.  The DMV issued a rule to no smiling on camera, the man tries to get her to smile, but after many attempts he lost his smile and his personality. Without his proper personality he can’t give complements to customers.  With lose of customers his job was terminated, without a job or a personality the validator walks, while he passes Universal Studios a young couple wanted him to take his picture for them.  While taking the picture he regains his personality and a man asks if he wants to do a photography  business. when he got a building to hold his business he looked at the DMV and moved on. During his trip to the dentist he noticed something on an object of a patients licence, as he quickly rushes to find the lady he stops by his business and find tons of people lined up. When he walks in he stubble’s apon the lady he is looking for. She tells him about her story and how she started smiling again.

We see in the film that the loss of happiness, freedom, and your personality can make you a nobody, but in the real world with happiness and freedom are like wars. We are all at peace with each other and then conflict enters the building and mass chaos is let loose.  Now countries and people are fighting for their freedom and happiness.  The major theme in this story is love because the validator was trying to win the ladies heart by making he smile.When he failed that his life turned black and white like everyone else in the city.  One little spark of encouragement can do a person some good when they seem black and white. That little spark that he had found was when the young couple asked him to take their picture because it was their first time there.  He found that the man in  drives licence  photo was smiling he knew that he finally got to the lady he was trying to get to smile.  when he finally saw what he had accomplished he was shocked. This makes me feel like I need to give more people encouragement  in their lives.

When you see a person that looks down go and give them something to smile about.

The Kane Chronicles: The Serpents Shadow

The world has many diverse cultures all over, but the history of them can go back decades to when they all started.  In the book “The Kane Chronicles: The Serpents Shadow” author Rick Riordan uses lots of detail in his stories of adventure, action and history.  He knows his history very well and uses it to his advantage by putting his thoughts into the characters, and make them more enjoyable to read about.  Every time I read one of his books it takes me to a whole new world, it’s like I’ve been transported inside the story watching it all unfold.  This book brings back history to our minds like we have never seen it before.

Two teenagers are in deep trouble because a historic day is about to come upon them that can end the world as we know it.  Carter and Sadie Kane must find a way to stop Apophis lord of everything evil and dark.  With the help of friends Sadie and Carter must travel the world in order to find clues. Many foes lay in the way of their path to succeed, but the only way they can succeed is if they trust one another and themselves to.  People can be deceiving at times, but when Carter and Sadie are in desperate times they will need to make their most important decisions in life.